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Retail Today with Bob Phibbs is a daily digest guiding brick-and-mortar retailers to gain better traction, generate more revenue, and stay strong in their market.
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
A lot of times people ask me, "How do I attract more customers?" And one of the most basic ways is making sure your location looks like a friendly place. A new restaurant just opened not far from me, and they didn't change any of the plantings. And they're all in grasses and some things that looked kind of dead, no color. And the problem with that is it doesn't get anyone's eyes and frankly, it looks kind of dead.
So, what I want you to do today is to plant it up, whether you're in California or you're in New York, whether it's in spring or fall or winter, whatever. In your location, you want to grab people's eyes that's going to be bright colors, seasonal flowers, or maybe even lights at night because natural color attracts the eyes, which attracts customers.
If you love what you heard on Retail Today, connect with Bob by visiting retaildoc.com or send a message to bob@retaildoc.com. Thanks for listening!
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
When you're trying to sell more in your brick-and-mortar store, a lot of times people think it's about discounting, but really what it is is you have to make a friend from somebody walking in your door. What I always say is, "Look for something they're holding or something that they're wearing. Notice it. Share something about yourself based on that, and then continue."
That's because people respond to people that open their hearts to them. You know that yourself. You can sell to a friend easier than a stranger. Today, I want you to think about that and find a way to engage that stranger before you ever start talking about product.
If you love what you heard on Retail Today, connect with Bob by visiting retaildoc.com or send a message to bob@retaildoc.com. Thanks for listening!
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
When I do a business makeover, I always look at how clean the store is first. So today, I want you to go out, about halfway into your store, and I want you to look down at your shoes. Then from there, I want you to look and notice five things that need to be cleaned. That could be carpet, that could be display fixtures, that could be a million things, and then, set your task today to clean those five things.It's funny, RSR Research recently said in a report that most retailers say, "If we just had more money, our store would be cleaner," and yet, customers are turned off by dirty stores.So remember, clean stores attract shoppers. Go out and clean it today.
If you love what you heard on Retail Today, connect with Bob by visiting retaildoc.com or send a message to bob@retaildoc.com. Thanks for listening!
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Well, it's the end of January and the doldrums are probably here for you, right? You've done the inventory, you've done all the returns. You might have finally gotten your schedule back to a little bit leaner. Your store looks a little bit better, and now you're wondering where is everybody. And you start madly searching for how to attract customers. Look, the one thing I want you to think about today is, you have to take control of your mind and build a path to hope
Tony Robbins said a long time ago, there is a highway to fear and anxiety, and a dirt path to peace and hope. And you have to realize that you know what? Just going with the flow and feeling anxious isn't going to help. That it's up to you because shoppers only want to shop where they feel that people are hopeful. We don't want to meet bitter Betty either a bitter bill.
So when they come to your store, when you use that choice muscle, which says, I could either feel hopeless and say it's all hard and Amazon's doing this and Walmart is doing this. Or I can choose a different path and I can look at how are we going to do differently and how can I go out in the aisles and realize the parties out there with the shoppers instead of sitting back here feeling sorry for myself.
If you love what you heard on Retail Today, connect with Bob by visiting retaildoc.com or send a message to bob@retaildoc.com. Thanks for listening!
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Looking for a way to refresh your own enthusiasm about your store? Today, I want you to think about inviting a school class. You know, an elementary class, because when you invite a school class to your business, you have to come up with why does it exist, and who buys these, and what is it like to work at a retail store. And suddenly, you find hope in a fairly downtime of the year for us in retail.
So today, I just want you to think about inviting a school class to your business to help them understand retail and maybe become great customers, and maybe even great workers someday, but also to help you get excited about your own business.
If you love what you heard on Retail Today, connect with Bob by visiting retaildoc.com or send a message to bob@retaildoc.com. Thanks for listening!
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Do you know why people quit? No, it's not always for more money. A lot of people think that, but actually, one of the reasons is too few staff, right? They're overwhelmed, they have too many tasks to do, they don't have time to think.
Also, they're untrained. They don't really know what to do on the job. They pretty much just show up, they clock in and then they try to help shoppers and they may not even know what that entails for your brand.
Maybe also the reason that they quit is the changing schedule. So they can't rely on knowing that this weekend they have off, or the next two Thursdays they have off, and so they can't plan their life. People don't like that.
In fact, there are some laws looking to make it so that you have to give a regular schedule and if that's not what you're doing right now, well, you can change that.
And then last, yes, pay is a reason why associates quit. But today, I want you to realize that associates quit bosses, not brands. So if you address those three common reasons they quit before you're left in the lurch, you're ahead of the game.
If you love what you heard on Retail Today, connect with Bob by visiting retaildoc.com or send a message to bob@retaildoc.com. Thanks for listening!
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Have you planned out your labor for 2020? Well, today I want you to think about that because you want to compare your best months with your actual labor and shifts that you had then and then compare those to how you've done historically. Right? So, if it's in January, obviously you're going to be using fewer hours than any other month. But when you compare like to like, and you look at, well how well did we do this last December and how well did we do compared to the year before? And then what did we use in labor and in our shifts compared to the previous year? You might notice that maybe you're running a little too lean that month.
And so, when you come up with a labor schedule for the year, you can get a good idea of at least the number of hours you want or at least the shifts that you want. And if you want to go more advanced and give it a budget, well that's great, but too many times we budget too little and then the experience is degraded for the customer. And I don't want that for you. So today, I want you to plan now how much you'll need to deliver a great customer experience through the rest of the year.
If you love what you heard on Retail Today, connect with Bob by visiting retaildoc.com or send a message to bob@retaildoc.com. Thanks for listening!
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Do you have a weekly sale? Well, you should. You know, a weekly sale can focus an awful lot of interest around a brand or a product group. And I'm not talking about a 20% off this weekend only, that kind of thing. That's not it. A weekly sale is going to promote one item or one brand so that you have something different to talk about in your store each week. That means that's something new to talk about to your customers, in your emails, and in your social media. But it's also something to talk about different to your employees and to get them trained. And it also gives you a chance to remerchandise your store every week based on what you're doing. And it doesn't have to be a huge discount, it could be a gift with purchase. There are a million ways to do it. But the key is to have a weekly sale so that your store never looks like it's old, and I've been there, done that. There's always a reason to come in each week to your store.
If you love what you heard on Retail Today, connect with Bob by visiting retaildoc.com or send a message to bob@retaildoc.com. Thanks for listening!
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
For most stores, next week is going to have an inventory day. That's right, when they're counting everything from top to bottom. And if you are fortunate to have an inventory service, well, that's great, and you probably are running around saying do not inventory some things. But for most of the rest of retailers, this is the time of year that you want to count your inventory, both in the back, under the counter, and obviously on the sales floor. Knowing your true inventory helps cut down on theft and overbuys and out-of-stocks. And if you're looking for how to do a physical inventory, you can go on my site, retaildoc.com, and you can search for it. And I have an awful lot of tips. But the key is, the end of January theoretically, your merchandise is at its lowest point all year and all the returns have gone away, and you get a really good chance to get your data perfect.
If you love what you heard on Retail Today, connect with Bob by visiting retaildoc.com or send a message to bob@retaildoc.com. Thanks for listening!
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Are you delivering a better experience than your competitor? Oh, yeah? How do you know that? Oh, your loyal customers tell you that?
Well, you know what, I don't care what your loyal customers tell you. What I care about is the new customer who experiences you without always having a backstory about knowing you or your family or an even number of things. The more you can go through and see how well you stack up against the competition, the better it'll be.
So, today, I want you to go through and think about getting mystery shops in your store. That's right. Because a mystery shop is a great tool to learn firsthand what a shopper experiences.
More importantly, mystery shops help hold you and your employees accountable for actually delivering great customer experience, not that asked-and-answered type of retail so prevalent in big boxes. You know, asked and answered, "Hi, can I help you?" "Yes, I'm looking for this widget." "That widget's right over here. Need anything else?" "No, that's it." Asked-and-answered retail is the death knell of brick-and-mortar retailers.
If you love what you heard on Retail Today, connect with Bob by visiting retaildoc.com or send a message to bob@retaildoc.com. Thanks for listening!
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